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Our Vision

The London ACEs Hub (LAH) is an independent network of multidisciplinary professionals, survivor activists and community advocates committed to spreading the fundamental lessons of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) research and practice in Greater London on individual and collective levels.


We want to live in a sustainable and resilient society that values each individual, at each stage of life, and provides everyone with the means to prevent and heal trauma.


We believe in self care and mutual care and in initiatives based on collaboration and co-production between survivors, professionals and communities.


In the face of suspicion, anger and apathy, we advocate for practical and collective ways of raising compassion, solidarity and hope.


We reject discrimination and injustice, including but not limited to race, nationality, gender, sex, religion, age, disability and class.


The LAH stands by those most impacted by pain and neglect and welcomes participation by all London communities.


The activities of the LAH are focused on biopsychosocial education with a preventative purpose. They are non-partisan and do not involve frontline interventions. They are designed to educate and benefit our communities and colleagues by offering varied information about the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on all areas of life, which can be prevented and ameliorated by trauma-informed approaches and resilience building at individual, relational and community levels. 


Our menu of activities and their respective aims are as follows:


  • Network building: The networking of survivors of ACEs and trauma, community advocates, and multidisciplinary professionals aim to empower and benefit our communities by encouraging individual and collective learning, resilience and coproduction initiatives amongst survivors, professionals and community members.

  • Events: Conferences, workshops, webinars and other similar group activities strive to benefit the community and colleagues by offering interactive opportunities for awareness raising and learning from lived experiences, professional expertise and scientific research related to ACEs, trauma-informed care and resilience.

  • Online educational information: The LAH website and YouTube channel aim to disseminate knowledge and information related to raising awareness of ACEs, trauma-informed care and resilience. This greater awareness can support individuals, families and communities who have experienced adversity and trauma. It can also assist in preventing further suffering, breaking harmful cycles and creating healthier relationships and communities. 

  • Newsletter: The LAH produces a monthly newsletter called News for Action, which is circulated by email and is freely available on our website. This resource aims to encourage sharing of information and initiatives associated with ACEs, trauma-informed care and resilience building. To check past issues and subscribe to N4A, click here.

  • Other forms of coproduction and dissemination: The LAH is open to consider and implement other forms of co-production and educational activities to benefit the communities of London by proactively gathering views and contributions from survivors, multidisciplinary professionals, policy makers, and community members and responding to new developments and needs.


The LAH also engages in advocacy and lobbying when these initiatives provide opportunities to promote ACE-related causes. 


All members of the community, regardless of their socioeconomic status, are entitled to benefit from the LAH's wide and open dissemination of knowledge and resources. We are committed to making our activities available to all Londoners. If you would like to get in touch about our work or have suggestions to improve our reach, feel welcome to contact us.


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Community Interest Company registered in England and Wales. No. 13488145

Copyright © 2024, London ACEs Hub. All rights reserved.

Design: London ACEs Hub      Photos: Roy James Shakespeare       Logo: Egberto Esmerio

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